The Hidden Worlds of the National Parks 360° VR Film



SPEAKER: Our national parks are amazing wonderlands.

Come take a journey led by rangers

to explore the hidden worlds of these incredible parks.


SPEAKER: Join park ranger Fiona North and explore Kenai Fjords

National Park.

FIONA NORTH: Look down.

You're standing above a crevasse on Exit Glacier.

Very few people get to come up here and walk out

onto the ice or venture into one of its crevasses.


FIONA NORTH: We're in a crevasse at 30 feet

below the surface of the glacier.

It feels so still, but the ice is actually

moving as it flows downhill.

A week from now, this place will look completely different.

SPEAKER: Now, follow us across the ocean

to explore Hawai'i Volcanoes National Park with park ranger

ANDREA KAAWALOA-OKITA: Pu'u O'o has been constantly erupting

since 1983, claiming over 180 buildings and burying

the coastal highway in lava.


ANDREA KAAWALOA-OKITA: Over 500 acres of new land

has been added to the island in the last 30 years alone.

Lava spilled over the ridge line behind us,

flowing all the way to the ocean,

creating the very land we're standing on right now.


SPEAKER: Next, explore Dry Tortugas National Park

with NPS diver Curtis Hall.

CURTIS HALL: Fort Jefferson makes up less than 1%

of the park.

The other 99% is submerged beneath beautiful clear

blue waters.


CURTIS HALL: And it's our job to help conserve them


CURTIS HALL: In 1987, the Avanti-- today

known as the Windjammer-- braved a hail of wind and waves.

While its loss was unfortunate, the sailing ship

found a second life as a vibrant coral reef.


SPEAKER: Next stop, travel 750 feet underground

with park ranger Pam Cox to explore Carlsbad Caverns

PAM COX: There's so much that we don't know about this place.

We don't know how fast it formed or exactly how old it is,

and we don't know if it formed at once

or over time or in phases.

Well, 120 years ago, a Texas ranch hand

saw a massive swarm of bats flying out of this cave.

So he set out to investigate, and this is what he found.


PAM COX: Whether it's the caves or the bats, what strikes me

most is just how foreign and mysterious this place is.


SPEAKER: Now that we're finished exploring underground,

join Kevin Poe, park ranger at Bryce Canyon National Park.


KEVIN POE: We're traveling by horseback

on the Peek-A-Boo Loop Trail, one

of the more strenuous routes in the park.

This forest of stone may look permanent,

but in reality, it's one of the fastest-changing geologic

landscapes on the planet.

And that's just Bryce during the day.


KEVIN POE: Two-thirds of Americans

can no longer see the Milky Way from their backyard.

But here, it stretches from horizon

to horizon-- almost like a glittering rainbow.


SPEAKER: I hope you enjoyed this journey

through our national parks.

Come on out and explore.

You'll be amazed by what you may discover.