- Have you ever felt angry?

Of course you have and after this lesson, you'll know

many different ways to say just how angry you are.

What's up, everyone?

Today, we are talking about the word, angry.

I'm going to teach you some different words

that have the same meaning or a similar meaning.

This is great because learning synonyms is an excellent way

to build and expand your vocabulary because you already know

what one word means.

You already know what the word angry means.


We've all felt it, we've all expressed it

and now you will be able to express it in different ways.

When we talk about anger, it's usually on a scale.

You can be just a little angry or you can be very angry.

We're gonna start with just words that mean

you're a little angry, you're not happy about something

and then we're gonna work our way up

to being extremely angry.

And what I'll do is I'll give you the word

as well as some examples and also tell you

some prepositions that commonly follow these words.

So let's start out with just a little angry.

If you're a little angry and something's wrong,

there's a problem, you might say that you are upset.

- Upset?

I'm not upset.

What makes you think I'm upset?

- So you could be upset with someone or something

and you could also be upset about some situation.

Another great synonym, which is interchangeable,

it has the exact same meaning is annoyed.

If you're a little angry, you might be annoyed.

So if you are annoyed, you could be annoyed with someone

or something or you could also be annoyed

at or by some situation.

It really just depends.

You could be annoyed with him or annoyed with her.

Or you could be annoyed at somebody's bad behavior,

annoyed at the traffic jam.

Those are all great reasons why you might be annoyed.

- I'm not hostile, I'm annoyed.

- Hi, how are you?

- I'm annoyed, that's how I am.

- And sometimes when you're dealing with people

and you're trying to resolve some problem

and people don't really wanna talk or open up,

then I might say...

Another synonym that means

you are a little angry about something is bothered.

When we use bothered,

it's often followed by the preposition by.

You can be bothered by someone or something

or just some situation.

Bothered by.


Say something that you don't like?

Are you bothered by that?

I don't know.

Some people get really bothered by other people's comments

or remarks.

Yeah, you could get bothered by that.

Now, another great word which has a little bit

of a different meaning and we use it in a different context

is exasperated.

If you are exasperated, you are angry

but you're angry because you're trying to do something

and it's not working

and you do it again and again and again

and you just get angrier and angrier and at then end,

you could say, I am exasperated.


Stop, Georgie.

Or perhaps, there's just some bad situation

that just continues and continues and continues

until you are exasperated.

And you might say

that you are exasperated by some situation.

What are you doing back there?

Are you looking over my shoulder?

Now let's talk about some words that you're starting

to get really angry and if you're really starting

to get angry, then you could say that you are irate.

And if you are irate, then you are beyond angry.

You wanna show the person just how angry you are.

You're not just angry, you are irate.

And when you hate

Then you're bound to get irate

And typically you would be irate about some situation

or maybe you are irate with some situation.

It doesn't really matter.

You're just really angry, you're irate.

Notice the theme with my examples.

It's about flying.

Sometimes I get angry when I'm flying.

Another synonym to show that you are very angry is enraged.

You are really angry, you're irate, you are enraged.

And you might be enraged by something or someone

or some situation.

Another synonym for very angry, furious.

So, if you are super angry about something,

you could say that you are furious.

For example, when I see that somebody dislikes our lessons,

I am furious.


I'm just kidding.

I don't get furious.

It's okay.

That doesn't make me furious,

but there are many other things that do make me furious.

And you might be furious at someone or some situation.

It's true, I'm tall and it can be very uncomfortable

and when that seat goes down, I'm furious.

Another word or actually this is a phrase which is slang

and probably one that I would use the most

is if you are very angry then you could say

that you are pissed off.

I say that a lot.

Instead of saying I'm really angry,

I just say I'm pissed off.

That's usually how I say it, too, with that intonation.

- Tell Clay I'm pissed off.

- I swear, I'm so pissed off at my mom.

- I lied because I'm pissed off.

- So if you're pissed off, then you're really angry,

but again this is more slang.

It may just be American slang.

I'm not really sure if British people also say it,

but pissed off is a great expression

to say that you were very angry.

Truth be told, it's just an example.

Our camera thankfully did not break,

otherwise, I would be pissed off.

So I hope some of these words may be new for you and you can

go out and use them and practice them

especially the next time that you are angry about something.

Try to switch it up and use some synonyms.

It's a great way to build your vocabulary

and improve your overall English fluency.

And if you're looking to improve your fluency even more,

check out the secret lesson

which is linked in the description.

I hope this lesson didn't make you angry,

but rather perhaps happy

because you've learned some new words.

However, what I want you to do to express a little bit

of anger, I want you to hit that dislike button.

Go ahead, show me that you were paying attention.

Hit the dislike button.

This is the only time I'll probably ever tell you

to do this.

Be a little angry, hit that dislike button.

I hope you learned some new words today and remember

go out and use them, go out and practice them.

Thanks for watching and I'll see you next time.