English SPEAKING Practice: 8 Conversations for Daily Life


Vanessa: Hi, I'm

Vanessa from SpeakEnglishWithVanessa.com. Do you want to speak with me? Let's do it.

Do you have trouble finding someone to speak in English with? You know that you need to practice,

but ugh, you just can't find someone to speak with? Well, never fear. Today,

I have a great solution for you. My husband, Dan, and I have prepared

eight conversations about daily life. We are going to have a sample conversation, and then

it will be your turn to practice each of these eight conversations. I challenge you to watch our

sample conversation and then prepare your speaking muscles to answer my questions and speak out loud.

You can do it. And like always, I have created a free PDF worksheet for you,

which you can download in the description. It has all of the sample conversations. And you can write

out your own sentences for your conversations, but I highly recommend writing them out and then

reading them out loud, because the goal here is to practice speaking.

You can click on the link in the description to download that free PDF worksheet today. All right,

let's get started with our first conversation topic, which is vacation. You'll see the sample

conversation between Dan and I, and then it will be your turn to speak. Let's watch.

Hey, Dan. How's your week going? Dan:

Oh. It's going great. I just got back from a week at the beach.

Vanessa: Oh. Where'd you go?

Dan: We went to Pawleys Island. My

family's been going there for years. Vanessa:

Oh. What do you like to do at the beach? Dan:

Just hang out at the beach, mostly. We play in the sand, build sand castles, read books. I love it.

Vanessa: Oh! Do you do that every year?

Dan: Yeah, we try to go over there every summer,

and sometimes for a holiday too. Vanessa:

Oh. Well, welcome back. Hey, how's your week going?

Oh. Great. Where'd you go?

Oh. What do you like to do at the beach?

That sounds like a great vacation. Do you do that every year?

Oh, cool. Well, welcome back. Hey, Dan. You doing anything fun this weekend?

Dan: Yeah! I'm going to be hanging out

with some friends from out of town. Vanessa:

Oh, that sounds great. What are you going to do? Dan:

Mostly just hang out, but we're going to go on a hike and then go to my favorite

restaurant. Vanessa:

Oh, what's your favorite restaurant? Dan:

It's an Asian fusion restaurant with great tacos and delicious kimchi.

Vanessa: Oh,

sounds wonderful. What else are you going to do? Dan:

Just walk around downtown and go to a few shops, grab a few beers at the local breweries.

Vanessa: Oh. I hope

you have a great time. Enjoy your weekend! Hey, are you doing anything fun this weekend?

Oh, that sounds fun. What are you going to do?

Cool. Where's your favorite place to go?

Well, that sounds fun. What else are you going to do?

Well, have a great weekend! I'll see you later. Hey, Dan. How's your new job going?

Dan: It's going great. I'm learning a lot and

I really like the people I'm working with. Vanessa:

Oh, what kind of work are you doing? Dan:

I work at an animal rescue clinic. Vanessa:

Oh. Dan:

And I take care of animals until they're ready to go to a permanent home.

Vanessa: Oh, that sounds great. What got

you interested in that kind of work? Dan:

Well, I've always loved animals, and this allows me to take care of animals all day long.

Vanessa: Oh. Well, what's the most

challenging part of that job? Dan:

Well, sometimes the animals are too sick to stay there, so we have to send them to

a different clinic. Vanessa:

That would be tough. But overall, sounds like a great job. Good luck.

Hey, how's your new job going?

Oh, that sounds good. What kind of work are you doing?

Oh, what got you interested in doing that?

What's the most challenging part of your job so far?

That sounds tough. But overall, it sounds like a great job. Good luck.

Hey, Dan. What you've been watching lately? Dan:

Lately I've been watching a murder mystery show. It's really great.

Vanessa: Oh, what's it about?

Dan: Well, a man stumbles

upon a body in the woods and they're trying to figure out who it is and how it happened.

Vanessa: Oh, what do you think's going to happen?

Dan: I don't know.

It could be a crazy accident or something darker. I'll have to keep watching to find out.

Vanessa: Oh, sounds interesting. Maybe I'll have to watch

it too. Do you have any other recommendations? Dan:

I have a ton. I'll send them to you later. Vanessa:

Thanks so much. See you later. Hey, what have you been watching lately?

Oh, that sounds interesting. What's it about? Oh, what do you think is going to happen?

Well, it sounds interesting. Maybe I should start watching it too.

Do you have any other recommendations for what I should watch?

Well, thanks so much. I'll see you later. Hey, Dan. How are you feeling today?

Dan: Not so hot. I have a headache,

and I'm really tired. Vanessa:

Oh, no. Have you taken anything for it? Dan:

No, not yet, but maybe I should. Vanessa:

Yeah. Can I get you some hot tea or soup? Dan:

That'd be great. I'd really appreciate it. Vanessa:

Yeah, or maybe I could give you some medicine or call the doctor and make an appointment for you.

Dan: That's okay. I'll call the doctor later

and see how he can help. Thank you though. Vanessa:

No problem. Well, I hope you feel better. Hey, how are you feeling today?

Maybe you're coming down with something. Have you taken anything yet?

Can I make you some tea or hot soup?

I can get you some medicine or I can call the doctor and make an appointment.

Okay. Well, I hope you feel better soon.

Hey, Dan. How was your get-together with your family? I know you were really looking forward

to it. Dan:

It was great. I got to grill out with my dad and all the kids got to run around and play,

and then at night the cousins got together and played cards. It was so much fun.

Vanessa: That sounds great. How many cousins do you have?

Dan: I have six cousins and they all have

two to three kids. You do the math. Vanessa:

Whoa. That is a big family. Do you see them often? Dan:

I see my immediate family a lot, but not my cousins. We try to get together every summer,

but sometimes we can't all make it. Vanessa:

That sounds like fun. What are your favorite things to do together as a family?

Dan: Well, we all love seeing

our kids play together, but all the adults like to play games too. We're all super competitive,

but we all have fun no matter who wins or loses. Vanessa:

Oh, that sounds so nice. Thanks for telling me about your family.

Hey, how was your get-together with your family? I know you were really looking forward to it.

Oh, that's great. How big is your family? Wow. Do you see each other often?

That sounds like fun. What's your favorite thing to do together with your family?

Oh, that sounds great. Thank you so much for sharing about your family.

Hey, Dan. You look busy. What's up? Dan:

Oh, I'm right in the middle of planning a birthday party for my son.

Vanessa: Oh, a birthday party. That sounds fun. What

kind of party are you going to have? Dan:

That's what I'm trying to decide. He really likes bowling, so I think we're going to do

a bowling party. Vanessa:

Oh. Well you can't strike out with that idea. All joking aside, do you need any help getting

the invitations ready? Dan:

That'd be great. I'm planning on passing them out this afternoon when we visit his friends

at the park. Vanessa:

Oh. Well, let's get started. Hey, you look busy. What's up?

A birthday party, fun. What kind of party are you going to have?

Well, you certainly can't strike out with that idea. Well, all joking aside,

can I help you get the invitations ready? All right, that sounds good. Let's get started.

Hey, Dan. I'm trying to decide what to do for dinner, do you have any

suggestions? Dan:

How about pizza and pasta? Vanessa:

Oh, that sounds good. Do you know a good place? Dan:

I do. Actually, a new Italian restaurant has opened up downtown.

Vanessa: Oh, that sounds wonderful. Do you have

any recommendations on what to order? Dan:

I've heard the lasagna's really good, but the pizza also looks good. How about we try a little

of everything? Vanessa:

Oh, my stomach's growling just thinking about it. Is it too early to go now?

Dan: It's never too early. I'm ready.

Vanessa: Let's go.

Hey, I'm trying to decide what to do for dinner, do you have any suggestions?

That sounds good. Do you know a good place?

Let's try it. Do you have any recommendations on what to order?

My stomach's growling just thinking about it. Is it too early to go now?

All right. Let's go. Well, congratulations, you

just had eight natural English conversations and you spoke out loud. You did it. Remember, you can

always go back and review this video as many times as you need to. I'm here to help you practice

your speaking skills and speak confidently. And now, I have a question for you. Let me

know in the comments if you enjoyed this style of video and if I should do some

more lessons like this. I would love to hear your feedback. And don't forget to download

the free PDF worksheet for today's lesson. You can review all of the sample sentences

and you can write out your own answers to these questions and practice saying

them out loud. You can click on the link in the description to download the free PDF today. Well,

thank you so much for learning English with me, and I'll see you again next Friday for a

new lesson here on my YouTube channel. Bye. The next step is to download

the free PDF worksheet for this lesson. With this free pdf, you will master today's lesson

and never forget what you have learned. You can be a confident English speaker.

Don't forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel for a free English lesson every Friday. Bye.