Learn English Alone: 10 Fun and Crazy Ways to Practice English When You Are By Yourself


Hi Bob the Canadian here.

Are you trying to learn English on your own and are you looking for ways to practice English

when you don't have someone to practice with?

Well in this video I'm going to show you ten crazy and fun ways to practice English by


Hi Bob the Canadian here.

Welcome to this video where I'm gonna help you learn ten ways to practice English by

yourself, but before we get started if this is your first time here don't forget to click

the subscribe button below, give me a thumbs up at some point during this video, and I

would love it if you guys could share this video with a friend.

So let's get started.

Ten ways that you can practice English all by yourself.

So this first one is called, "Narrate Your Life".

So this is how it works.

Either out loud or in your head you say what you are doing.

So for instance if I was doing, "Narrate Your Life" in order to practice my English I would

be saying this:

I am walking in my lawn.

I am walking under some trees.

The trees are getting their leaves.

I am walking towards some flowers.

I think I might pick some flowers for my wife.

So you kind of get the point.

When you do "Narrate Your Life", as you go through your day, either mentally, in your

head, or out loud you say all of the things that you are doing.

This is great practice.

So, "Narrate Your Life", number one.

So the second one is called, "Label Everything" I'm not sure if you're familiar with post-it

notes, but they're little pieces of paper that are sticky.

And this one works better inside, I'm just doing it outside for fun.

But what you do is you write down all of the vocabulary words, maybe in your kitchen, and

you label everything with the post-it note.

So that's a mirror.

This one says door.

This one says door handle.

This one says window.

This one says tire.

Then you go and look at all of them.

If you do this inside, not outside like crazy Bob the Canadian, you can leave them on for

a few days.

Label everything in your kitchen.

Label everything in your living room.

Label everything in your bathroom.

And if you remove the post-it note once you are sure that you know the word, it's just

a great way to learn vocabulary.

So that was number two, label everything.

This third way that you can practice English alone is to use technology like Google Home

or Siri.

So this is my son's room.

He doesn't like it when I use his Google Home, but we can use it to ask about the weather.

Hey Google!

What's the weather like in Toronto today?

In Toronto today, it'll be cloudy with a forecasted high of 17 and a low of 7.

Currently it's 17 and mostly cloudy.


So that's….

I aim to please!

So there…. , it's not perfect but you can definitely use this technology to practice

your English.

So a really cool fourth way to practice your English alone is to use a random picture generating

website like this one.

You can do this on a computer or on your phone, and I'll put a link below to the website that

does this.

What it will do is give you a random picture and then you can describe it in English.

So for instance here I could say, "It is a picture of the coast.

It looks like the ocean has a lots of mist today."

Then if I hit refresh it generates a new picture.

Here is some sushi.

I am hungry.

Let's hit it one more time.

This is a picture of a city.

It looks like it might be New York.

So you can see how this really pushes the boundaries of the vocabulary that you know,

and it prompts you, it pushes you to speak out loud and to basically express yourself

in English.

It's just a really good thing to do.

So that was number four.

Talk about random pictures.

Again link in the description below to this website.

There's actually quite a few of them that help you do this.

So for this fifth one you need a pen, you need an article in English with a lot of vocabulary

that you wanna learn, and you need a piece of paper.

And we're gonna copy the article onto the piece of paper, but, there's a little bit

of a difference here than how you would normally do it.

We're going to put the magazine at one end of a table.

We're gonna put the pen and paper at the other end of the table, and here's what you need

to do.

You need to find the article that you want to copy, sorry my dog just hit the tripod,

I think it'll be ok.

Let me just move things back.

You've all met Oscar right?

So I'm gonna copy this article right here.

So I'm gonna read that it say, "Mash butter in a small bowl...", and then I'm gonna run

over here and I'm gonna write down, "Mash butter in a small bowl...", and then I'm gonna

run back over here and I'm gonna read the next sentence, "..with one tablespoon dill

and quarter teaspoon each salt and pepper", and I'm gonna run over here.

I think you get the point don't you.

You need to copy the entire article from the magazine to the piece of paper and keep them

really separate from each other.

It'll really help put those vocabulary words into your brain.

So that was number five.

Copying an Article.

A sixth way to practice your English by yourself is to talk to Google Docs.

I don't know if you have Google Docs, but if you don't you should sign up, it's free,

and I can go to Tools and I can choose Voice Typing.

When I click on this microphone it will start to listen to everything that I say.

It is a great way to practice pronunciation.

I really like it.

So a seventh really cool way to practice English by yourself is to take your phone at the end

of the day and record yourself talking in English about some of the words and phrases

that you learned that day.

Then use that recording as your alarm clock for the next morning.

Most phones, under the alarm clock setting, you can have it play an audio file or a video


So talk about, in English, some of the words and phrases you learned that day, just before

you go to bed, and then set it as your alarm clock so the next morning when you wake up

it's the first thing you hear.

An eighth way to learn English all by yourself is to type sentences into Google Translate

in your own language and then listen to Google reading them back to you.

So for instance, if I here click French and say, "Je veux manger une pizza.", and then

in English I can click here, "I want to eat a pizza."

It's not perfect, but it's a great way, not just to translate sentences, but to learn

new sentences.

So here I can type, "Je suis un homme."

"I am a man."

I am a man!

Although that sounded like a woman's voice, but that's ok.

Anyways, another way to practice your English alone, use Google Translate but use it for

more than just translating.

Use it to practice your pronunciation.

Let's do one more sentence.

J'habite au Canada.

I live in Canada.

I live in Canada!


The ninth way to practice your English is called, "What does it do?

Where did it come from?"

So this is little bit like "Narrate Your Life" but what you do is you look at something and

you say, "Ok, this is a pail.

What does it do?

This pail holds water.

Where did it come from?

I think I bought this pail from a store, from a hardware store one year ago."

So if you do, What does it do?

Where did it come from?

It's just a really good way to practice your vocabulary and to help you remember it.

Let's do one more.

Let's do this lock.

So we would say, "This is a lock.

What does it do?

It keeps this box locked up so you can't open it.

Where did it come from?

I think I bought it at the same hardware store that I bought the pail at."


So that's number nine, What does it do? and Where did it come from?

I almost forgot what number nine was.

A tenth way to learn English alone is to start to draw your vocabulary.

When you can take new vocabulary words and add an image to it, it will really help you

remember it.

The other day I did an English lesson on technology, and we learned words like "television" "remote

control" "laptop" and words like "car radio".

So if you can start to make little drawings whenever you learn a new word it will really,

really help you remember it.

So that's the tenth way to learn English by yourself, and it's called "Draw Your Vocabulary"”

Well, hey, that's ten way for you to practice your English alone, ways that you can practice

your English all by yourself.

I'm Bob the Canadian here.

Don't forget to click the subscribe button if you are new here, give me a thumbs up,

share this video with a friend who's learning any language actually, because this works

not just when you are learning English, but when you're learning other languages as well,

but that was ten ways to practice your English all by yourself.

I hope you enjoyed it and I'll see you in the next video!