7 Sexy English Words | Learn English with Anna


Hmm is there a sexier word than the word sexy of

Course there are many and I'm about to share with you seven of the sexiest words that I can think of in the English language

Hello everyone, my name is Anna English

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Alright, let's get down to business my seven sexiest words

number one


Luminescence luminescence is light produced by chemical or electrical means number two



Miasma actually means her very unpleasant smell or odor


number three ephemeral

Ephemeral this means to last for a very short time


number four


Decadent means a person or a group of people with low moral standards

number five


Diphthong a diphthong is a vowel sound made up of two shorter vowel sounds so for example o


Number six a serendipitous


Serendipitous refers to a


Happening which has a happy ending

so something happens by chance, but it has a happy outcome then it's


And finally number seven salacious

Simulations if something is salacious, then it is showing a strong interest in sexual matters


Well guys, I hope you found that helpful

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particularly sexy in English then put it in the comments box below because I would love to hear them if

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