25 KIWI English Slang words


Hi guys, and welcome to New Zealand. Now I am part of the Let's Talk team here in Auckland

and you will know that if you've ever been to New Zealand, sometimes you might be scratching

your head wondering what on earth these people are saying to you. Yeah the Kiwis here have

a unique accent but because it’s a bit British and its sometimes even sounds a little Australian

for some of you, it is very hard to pick up what we are saying. We are also influenced

by our very own multicultural so all in all a lot of time what we are saying is something

you've probably never even heard before. So today I am going to take this perfect opportunity

to take you through some of the commonly used Kiwi slang words that I believe they are going

to make it easier for you to decode our unique and special language. So please stick around

and I really hope that you enjoy today's fun lesson. First up is the word "Eh" now this

is used to say "don’t you think?" In any sentence you could use that says "It’s a

hot day, Eh? Sometimes it’s also used to say "Pardon me" when you haven't heard someone

correctly, "Eh, what did you say? Out next is the term "yeah, nah" now this term is very

confusing and its used to say "No, thank you" Do you want to come inside?" "Yeah, nah" or

on the other hand if you say "Nah, Yeah" it means Yes. It’s very complicated because

we're saying yes but we're also saying no. "Are you going to the dance?" "Nah... Yeah..."

Which would mean Yes you are going to go. Up next is the word, "Bugger" now this is

a New Zealand cuss word and its used when something goes wrong and you want to express

your frustration may be your car breaks down in the middle of the expressway and you are

like Aah... Bugger. I hope that one’s a good one for you to use. Up next is a strange

word, "Chur" now chur is used as if to say good, awesome, cheers. Here's your breakfast...

chur. Often this is paired with the word cuss Chur... cuss. Up next is the phrase Sweet

as now this means awesome for example, there might be a shirt that you find in the shop

and it’s on sale, you might say sweet as, it’s cheap. Sweet as... Up next is a phrase

that I always find myself saying and that is No worries. No worries, now this phrase

similar similarly means No problem. No worries, no problem very similar meanings another phrase

that you might hear us saying here in New Zealand is Oh, She'll be right it would be

fine, an example of this could be, "Do I need to heat up the Burger for dinner? Or will

it be fine? "Oh, Nah... She'll be right." meaning whatever it is will be alright. She'll

be right Up next is our very very popular Tomato sauce now tomato sauce is TNT sauce

are used instead of saying ketchup so in New Zealand, you may say aah, can I have some

T sauce for my fish and chips? Or you might say oh can you please pass me the tomato sauce?

sometimes if you're feeling a bit tired in New Zealand, you might use the phrase "knackered"

Now knackered means that you are really exhausted you are super sluggish at the end of the day,

You could say ah what a day I am absolutely knackered you are knackered. Now all around

the world you might call pieces of clothing different things but in New Zealand the word

for jersey we would call a jumper so when you are feeling cold, you would put on a jumper

to keep you warm, Jumper. Another interesting and creative word that we use here in New

Zealand is Hori or Trashy. 'Ah, the dress I saw that girl wearing, that was hori. It

means that is not very nice. Now a Skux. Yes that's right, I said Skux that is used to

describe a male that gets a lot of attention for the ladies. You would call them a skux.

Ah, did you see that skux with those girls. Skux. Another item of clothing that we have

here in New Zealand called Stubbies now Stubbies are very short shorts that you often would

say mean wearing so maybe they are out on the beach or they are standing around the

barbecue having a beer, they would be wearing Stubbies. Very short shorts. Are we here in

New Zealand instead of saying Thank you to people, you could instead say, Chur bro, now

chur bro is a combination of cheers and brother, so it’s a short way of saying cheers brother.

Thank you brother. Oh chur bro. Can you pass me a bottle of beer? Chur Bro. I hope that

you are having fun with some of these sayings today our next phrase is piece of piss, Now

a piece of piss means that something is easy so you might me at school, you might have

set a really big exam or test and you could respond to your friends by saying that test

was a piece of piss meaning it was super easy now if you had a friend that would say a little

crazy and a lot over the show you might refer to them as being a loose unit, now a loose

unit is someone who is clueless about what they're doing so don't take advice from them,

oh Tim my friend he sure is one loose unit. Loose unit. In New Zealand instead of staring

or having a glance at something you might have a Squiz. Ah I had a quick Squiz at the

shoe in the shop. A Squiz means a very short glance or a short glair Squiz. now I've something

where to cost a lot of money, sometimes instead of saying that its expensive here in New Zealand

we would refer to it, is being dear oh I couldn't afford to buy a TV, it was too dear it was

too dear, meaning too expensive, have any of you ever broken or damaged something? Let's

say your TV you've had it for years and its now broken, you could say your TV is Munted

or you had a pair of shoes for a long time Munted it means they are no longer working

they are really really old. Munted. Now to investigate something suspicious in New Zealand

we could say that you need to suss it at or somebody might look Suss. It means they look

suspicious. Suss. it’s a nice hot day and you wanna go to the pool or down to the beach

don’t forget to take your togs. Also known as a swim suit. In New Zealand we often say

togs my swimming togs up next is a word hungus now hungus sounds unusual, but we use it to

refer to someone that is really really hungry. Oh my mate Dave he is so hungus he could eat

three burgers at once hungus I hope this never happens to you but to get a beating we would

refer to as a hiding that little kid he was such a mean he needed a hiding. A hiding which

is a similar word to meaning getting beaten up. If you ever hear people refer to being

unemployed is being on the dole, means that they are receiving an unemployment benefits.

The dole. Have you ever hear someone using the term chunder that means that they are

not feeling well and they are needing to vomit. Chunder is another word for vomit. Now this

is one of my favorite’s smoko. Now you may think that smoko means to go out and have

a smoke or a cigarette but actually smoko refers to either a morning tea or an afternoon

tea. So you may have had a hard day's work and you need to have a smoko break a cup of

tea and a biscuit smoko. Now do you ever have a friend that sometimes, he is bit of an idiot

or a dick head you may refer to them as an egg. don’t be an egg you silly guy an egg

I really hope that today's lesson gives you some fun and exciting words and phrases that

you can use in your day to day conversations. now these are originally from New Zealand

but why not surprise your friends in a fun way and show them some new English phrases

that you have been learning now saying new things it is really important about building

up your vocabulary and your speaking skills so good luck for today's lesson I'll be back

next time with some more videos but before I go please remember to like the video subscribe

to our channel and don't forget to click the bell icon to ensure that you are keeping up-to-date

with our regular videos I'll see you next time.