5 Ways to Improve Your English in 5 Minutes


hello my loves welcome back to go natural English if you're having a busy week then keep watching

because I'm going to show you five ways to improve your English in five minutes or less

so this is perfect for you if you are a busy busy person which I know you are very smart and busy

so first of all you can choose an article to read in five minutes some of the shorter faster easier

articles I recommend come from voiceofamerica.com you can also find some shorter articles on other

websites maybe the BBC CNN New York Times tends to be longer so I would save that for when you

want a more focused longer study session I would also recommend a blog post at gonaturalenglish.com

you can improve your English while you're reading about how to improve your English pay attention to

any new vocabulary words you may want to write them down for future review doing these simple

five-minute English tasks may not seem like a way to significantly improve your English but over

time when you do these things consistently every day you will improve you will see a difference so

it's much better to do these five minute routines than nothing at all what I mean is you could even

add these ideas to your existing routine so while you're eating lunch you could watch a video on

YouTube like this one you could choose a video about English learning or just about a topic that

you're interested in but make sure it's not too long because we're focused on five minutes here

just try to understand the main idea and also note any new vocabulary or Expressions another idea is

to practice your pronunciation try thinking of a few words that you find difficult challenging

maybe even embarrassing to pronounce and look them up on a reputable online audio dictionary

site so you can listen to how they're correctly pronounced and then practice them you could

even record yourself using a smartphone or other recording device to check how you sound compared

to the online audio dictionary in five minutes you can easily review some Advanced grammar rules

check out YouTube videos from go natural English or other channels that talk about Advanced tenses

that you might want to review such as the present perfect tense or conditional tenses or any tense

that you've been struggling with or not feeling super confident about you could look for a grammar

cheat sheets online Googling them and looking for images may give you some great worksheets

to fill out and then practice using the grammar with a few sentences of your own in five minutes

you can create vocabulary flash cards use a site like Anki and Ki or simply use good old-fashioned

flash cards index cards paper you can create these how you prefer but this will help you

to review vocabulary and if you're not sure what vocabulary to put on the cards use a site like a

vocab fabulary word of the day site or you can search Google for academic vocabulary words to

see if there are some new ones that might help you improve your English level so there you have

it five ideas to improve your English in five minutes you can do one of these each day of

the week do them all depending on your schedule you could do them all in one day within half an

hour but tell me do you have any ideas to add to this list let's share them in the comments don't

forget if you want to learn more with go natural English we have a complete English course fluent

communication meant for busy professionals such as yourself this course will save you

time and improve your fluency quickly learn more at gonaturalenglish.com pre-reg I'll

see you there I'll get you information about the course thank you so much for watching bye for now