Basic English Grammar - Noun, Verb, Adjective, Adverb


Greetings to you. I'm going to teach you very, very important, but very basic English grammar.

Even if you are at a mid-level in learning English, this will help you to review and

make everything a little easier when you're doing more advanced grammar lessons. So, today's

lesson is how to recognize a noun, a verb, a siren, an adjective, or an adverb. So, I

have given you symbols. I'm going to wait for the sirens to stop. Please stop. Good.

A noun is going to be represented by an N, a verb is a V, an adjective is a DG, and an

adverb is a DV. So, these are universal. If you look in dictionaries or in some kind of

grammar book, they will use NV, ADG, and ADV. I did not make these up. I'm not taking credit.

The very first one is a noun. A noun is a person, a place, or a thing. So, people, all

the people around you are nouns. A place, city names, country names, and things. Anything,

living or dead, or inanimate object that has never lived, like this marker, is a noun.

It's a thing. I am a thing. I am a noun. The next one is a verb. A verb is an action

word. So, for example, run. I'm too hot to run so fast. Or, jogging. I'm more jogging

now, aren't I? Or, going down, or going upstairs. Down, up, run, jog, dance. I can dance, are

all nouns. This is an action word. We also have verbs that are non-action words, like

think. I'm thinking, but you don't see me thinking, unless I do this face. So, verbs

can be action, you can actually see the action, or non-action. This is what you have to remember

to make it easy for you. We have a verb, and then we have an adverb, or ADV. A verb has

an adverb beside it. An adverb always describes the verb, or it tells you how the action was

done. For example, if I use the verb "run", I'm going to tell you how I ran. I would say,

for example, "slowly". I run slowly. I don't like running. You can use words like "fast".

Most adverbs end in -ly, but not all of them, so that isn't a steadfast rule. I'm just going

to write "run" here. I run slowly. I run fast. In this sentence, this is your verb, and this

is your adverb, because it tells you how the action was done. These two are partners. "Oh,

verb has no partner. No noun has no partner. It is sad." That's okay. Noun, you're going

to get a partner of an adjective. Verb, adverb, that makes sense. Noun, adjective. It doesn't

really jive. It doesn't make sense, but you can remember that. These two are partners,

this one. An adjective, look at this, almost the same, describes a noun. If we use the

noun of "cat", don't you love cats and not dogs? If you use the word "cat", you want

to describe the cat. You can say "colour" or "size" or "shape". I'm going to say, "a

black cat". I don't need a cat, this will do. In this sentence, the word "black" is

my adjective, because it tells me what the cat looks like. You can think of it of what

it looks like. The other thing that you have to be careful of is you do not need to say

"a black colour cat". "Black" is only a colour, so please do not say "black colour

cat", but say "a black cat". I will come back and teach you how to recognize these

and how to use these in a sentence. Take them away.

Now, we're going to identify a verb, an adverb, a noun, and an adjective in a sentence. Let's

look at the first sentence. In these two sentences, I want you to find the verb and the adverb.

Remember, a verb is the action word, and the adverb tells you how the action was done.

"I walk quickly." In this sentence, can you tell me where the verb is? I'll give you

a hint. It's "walk". You can ask the question, "How is the action done?" or "How do I walk?"

The answer is going to be your adverb. The answer is "quickly". Sorry, this is your adverb.

So "I walk quickly" quickly describes how the action is done. That's easy.

Next one, "I sing very beautifully loudly." "I sing" is your verb. "How do I sing?" What's

the quality of my singing? Loudly. This is your adverb. Remember, the adverb tells you

how the action is done. If we look at these two next sentences, I want you to try and

identify the noun and the adjective. Also, it'll help you to identify the verb. I'm going

to teach you a trick to make it easy. So, "The cat is tired." In this sentence, can

you find the person, the place, or the thing? Can you do it? It's "cat". "The cat is tired."

In this sentence, we have a cat, which is our noun. Then we have the verb "to be", so

"the cat is". Then we have our adjective. Now remember, the adjective's job is to tell

us about the cat. How's the cat feeling? What does the cat look like? "The cat's tired.

He wants to go to sleep." So, we have our noun, and then our verb, and our adjective.

This is the trick to help you. If this sentence has a "to be" verb. Now, the "to be" verb

is, do you know? "Am", "is", or "are". If, in this sentence, you have a "to be" verb

followed by another word that usually ends in "ed" or an "ing" ending, it's an adjective.

So, if you look at this sentence, "The cat is", "to be" verb, "adjective". This tells

you how the cat is. Let's go on to "me". "It's summertime in Toronto. I don't feel the air

conditioning. I am hot." So, I have "me". I have "to be" verb, and then the magic is

"hot". "I" is the noun. That's "me". I'm a person, not a place or a thing. I have my

"to be" verb, and then, as you guys will know now, if it's "to be" verb after that, you're

going to have an adjective. So, "I am hot. I'm going to leave now. Bye."