Improve your English pronunciation | Simple techniques and highly effective app


If you're finding it difficult to improve your  pronunciation and your listening comprehension in English,

then you are certainly not alone.

Hello and welcome everyone. This is Minoo at Anglo-Link.

English pronunciation is difficult to  master for two main reasons:

firstly, vowel letters don't always produce the same vowel sound.

Take for example the letter 'e', and listen to how it's pronounced differently in these four words:

ThemTerm, Theme, They.

Secondly, English isstress-timed language.

What does this mean?

It means two things:

in a sentence, we only stress key words, not grammatical words.

Let's look at a sentence together:

Excellence is an achievable goal.

So, which words are the keywords?

The key words are: 'excellence', 'achievable',  and 'goal', so they are stressed.

The grammatical words are: 'is' and 'an', so they are unstressed.

And each multi-syllable word also has its own stress pattern.

For example, which syllable in 'achievable' is stressed?

It is the second syllable: a-CHIEV-a-ble.

The problem is that word stresses  are not marked, except in a dictionary.

And, the phonetic symbols that indicate the sound of each letter can be more confusing than helpful.

Although we can listen to words in an online  dictionary,

it is difficult for our brain to remember foreign sounds,

especially if we have not heard them during our childhood.

But I have good news!

I have recently been introduced to an excellent method

that helps us to remember sounds by using colours

and word stress patterns by using hand movements.

The creators of this method have also developed an app to help you to improve your pronunciation.

I will introduce you to this app at  the end of this video.

For now, let me just explain the hand movement technique that helps us to remember stress patterns.

Let's take this sentence:

Aim for excellence, not perfection.

We have two multi-syllable words in this sentence:

'excellence' and 'perfection'.

In 'excellence', the first syllable is stressed: EX-cel-lence.

In 'perfection', the second syllable is stressed: per-FEC-tion.

How well do you think you will remember  these in a few days?

It's not that easy.

So let's bring in some visual cues and hand  movements to help our memory.



Now, let's put the two words back in the sentence:

Aim for EXcellence, not perFECtion.

Well, that was a quick demonstration of  the hand movement technique.

Let me now introduce you to the Blue Canoe app,

which has been cleverly  designed to help you improve your pronunciation

in a fun and interactive way.

Some great features of this app include:

The helpful Colour Vowel Chart

Useful phrases to increase your vocabulary range

Advanced voice recognition and feedback software

A user-friendly dictionary

and many more features.

I would highly recommend this app,

which you can get on your mobile device by using this QR code

or by clicking on the link below.

I hope this information has been helpful to you.

Do remember to subscribe to my channel and  allow notifications

to know when my next video is  online.

Thank you for watching, and goodbye for now.