Same but DIFFERENT: 15 ADVANCED and Intermediate ENGLISH Expressions COMPARED


Today on LetThemTalkTV we're going to look at the way that native English

speakers and learners of English use different phrases in everyday situations.

That's right intermediate learners will use one

phrase but a native English speaker or an advanced learner might use another

expression and in this video we are going to… - stop shouting -What?

- You're shouting.

-I wasn't shouting.

- would you mind not interrupt me I'm trying to give a lesson here

- if you stop shouting - I wasn't shouting - yes you were

- who invited you anyway? - it's a free country I can go where I want - look shut up ok

-at least while you're here you could at least be useful -how?

-okay you're going to

say a phrase that an intermediate learner would use while I'm going to say

- a phrase that's a native speaker or an advanced learner might use - OK

- but you don't look right


can you change your clothes you look too British can

-you look a bit more European - you want me to look like a generic foreigner?

- Yes

- OK but this is so stupid - just do it

You're shouting

- I'm not shouting

So this video is to get you moving up from intermediate to advanced level

and this will help your speaking and your understanding to find out more stay tuned

- Ah you look good - I feel like an idiot

- are you ready? - okay do I have to say in a

- foreign accent? - no, no just read it in your normal voice

- It's very cold today - it's a bit nippy

- I'm angry with you - I'm so pissed off with you

- I'm going into the cafe for a moment to buy matcha latte to take away

I'll be back soon

- I'm just going to pop into the cafe to grab a matcha latte

-I'll be back in a mo -I'm hungry would you like to get some Indian food?

- I'm famished, fancy a curry?

- I'm going to read the

- Financial Times now for investment opportunities

- I'm going to peruse the

- Financial Times for investment opportunities

- I got confused while

-reading the Financial Times I went into the ladies toilets by mistake

-I got into a muddle while perusing the Financial Times

and I went into the ladies toilets by mistake

- I'm going to be late because something unexpected is preventing me

- I've been waylaid so I'll be late I'm afraid

- $200,000 for a flight on Virgin

Galactic I'll think about it

-$200,000 for a flight on Virgin Galactic - I'll mull it over

- I had to carry my

- double-bass all the way to Paddington Station - I had to lug my double bass all

the way to Paddington Station

- put your double bass down over there and come and

have a cup of tea.

- Plonk your double bass over there and come and have a cup of tea

- You have intentionally ignored my advice - You have willfully ignored my advice

- I don't know who stole your ukulele but I will try and find out - I don't know who

pinched your ukulele but I will endeavor to find out.

stop stop stop stop stop wait a minute down there did you get all

that? I'm not sure so let's take a breath and pause the video we need to get a bit

more academic here so while I'm playing this completely irrelevant time-lapse I

want you to go and get a pen and a piece of paper so you can take some notes.

OK have you done that? Now we're going to look at these phrases again in more

detail are you ready? Now look at this page. On the left hand side we've got the

intermediate level expressions now remember these are perfectly okay to use

native speakers will use them too but the phrases on the right column are

going to nudge up your level towards advanced so you should learn them too

let's go "it's cold" the advanced expression "it's nippy" now that's rather

British you could say "it's chilly" that's a neutral expression now remember this

is only for the weather don't say "the ice cream is nippy" no, no

"it's a bit nippy out you should take a sweater." "I'm angry", "I'm pissed off"

that's quite strong if you want a milder expression you could say "I'm peeved." "I

was a bit peeved that my brilliant idea was ignored"

"To enter" or "To go into". "To pop in"

which means to enter a place for a short amount of time. "Just popping in

to the post office for a second

back soon." you could say "back in a mo." which of

course means "back in a moment."

"I'm hungry" you could say "I'm famished",

"I'm starving", "I'm starving I could eat a horse."

instead of READ you could say PERUSE which means read in detail "I perused the

sports pages of the newspaper"


you might hear "to get into a muddle." or "muddled up"

"I got muddled up in my rush to finish the work before the weekend and I got

everything wrong."

"to get distracted" you could say WAYLAID sometimes used as an

excuse for lateness "I've been waylaid so I won't come tonight."

"To think about"

how about using MULL OVER this means seriously consider especially when you

talk about making important decisions "you are offering me a job in the factory

mm-hmm I'll mull it over." So just to be clear you can't always replace THINK

ABOUT with MULL OVER. "I'm mulling over my girlfriend." no, no, no that's wrong "I'm

thinking about my girlfriend." MULLING OVER is about considering decisions "I'm

mulling over whether I should propose to my girlfriend." That's okay

TO CARRY here you could say TO LUG or TO DRAG both imply carrying something heavy

or something with great difficulty "I lugged my big suitcase to the airport"

TO PUT DOWN you could replace that with TO PLONK something down which implies you

do it with little attention "I plonked my books in a pile on the kitchen table."

INTENTIONALLY now there are several synonyms ON PURPOSE, DELIBERATELY and

WILFULLY. WILFULLY has a more negative meaning "The accused willfully destroyed

the evidence."

STEAL that's correct of course but a native speaker might use

another word such as PINCH. "who pinched my trousers"

TRY that's good

that's correct but a good advanced alternative is ENDEAVOUR which means to

try hard to achieve a goal so for example "I will endeavour to be the best

striker this team has ever had" and ENDEAVOUR can also be a noun so let's have a look

at an example of that "It is my endeavor to make videos that

you enjoy".

instead of "I'm going" try "I'm off" or "I'm out of here"

- I'm going now

- I'm out of here

So there you are so now go out and start using these advanced phrases OK

Cheers, I'm off