FOR SINCE DURING - How do I use these words? Step-by-step


Hi, I'm Arnel from Arnel's Everyday English and today, we're going to look at:

For, since and during, step by step. In English for and since have many different

uses. But today we're going to focus on: Time. So today it's: Four, since, comparing

for and since, during and typical mistakes. There's going to be a lot of information

so you need a pen and a notebook, get ready to take notes! Let's start. We use

for + length of time. What's length? Length is the noun, long is

the adjective. This snake is very long it's about 1 meter in length.

Remember, the G in length is silent. It's pronounced length, not lenGth. Okay.

20 minutes is a length of time. 5 hours is a length of time. Every morning,

I brush my teeth for 2 minutes and in the evening for 2 minutes.

Every morning I run on the treadmill for 45 minutes.

I don't really do this it's an example.

I lived in this flat for 6 years. Pete and I have been married for 7 years,

8 years. With all of these I have four plus length of time. I also

have a number. I have 25 to 45 etc... The number isn't necessary it can also be a

time phrase. I'll be staying at my sister's house for a couple of nights.

I was stuck in traffic for hours. My stomach hasn't been feeling well for

a few days now. Excuse me Sally, I don't want anyone to

disturb me for the next few hours. For plus length of time. Let's continue. Okay,

we use since + start of time. The pronunciation here is important. Since,

since, since. SInce, sInce, sIece. This is a typical mistake. Since not sInce.

On this line I have the past and the present. We use since + start of

time. 2017. I've been using this phone since 2017. 2017 is my starting point.

1995, my parents have owned this restaurant since 1995. 1995 is my

starting point. I'm really hungry I haven't eaten since 7 a.m. 7 a.m. is my

starting point. This road has been closed since the 9th of May. With all of these

examples I have since + a start of time.

Again, the number 1995, 7:00 a.m, the 9th isn't necessary. It can also be a

time phrase. I've been wearing glasses since I was 7. I was 7 is a

starting point. My new colleague Kyle has been complaining since day 1. Day 1

is a starting point. I haven't met many people since I moved here. I moved here is a starting

point. There we go, let's compare for and since. We have

for + length of time, since + start of time. I've had Ben for 6 years. I

had Ben since 2013. The information is the same, the grammar is different. I have

been waiting for 30 minutes. I've been waiting since 9:00 a.m. I haven't seen

George for for about a decade. I haven't seen George since graduation. Let's get

specific, we can use for with any tense. What's a tense? These are tenses: Present

simple, present continuous, present perfect, etc... You can use for with any

tense. What about since? We use since with:

Perfect tenses. It's the most common and most natural way to use since. Now I

don't want you to think oh my goodness there's so many tenses for me to learn.

If you always think for + length of time, since + start of time, you will

always use those words correctly. As you're learning English you will become

more familiar with the tenses and you will eventually understand all of them.

Let's continue with during. We use during plus a set period.

What's a set period? I know the start time and the finish time. During the exam

you cannot speak. The exam is a set period,

it's from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

I usually work as a lifeguard during the summer. The summer is a set period, June

to September.

She kept talking to me during the film. The film was 2 hours it's a set period.

My grandfather was a lieutenant during the Second World War. The Second World

War is a set period, 1939 to 1945.

I really wanted to go home during my lunch break. My lunch break is a set period, 12

o'clock to 12:45. During plus a specific set period. Typical mistakes: Using during

+ length of time. I've been waiting during 2 hours. I've been waiting for 2

hours. Using since + a length of time. I've been living in London since 6 years.

I've been living in London for 6 years.

Using since with an unnatural tense. I'm waiting since 8 a.m. I've been

waiting since 8 a.m. Remember we use since with the perfect tenses.

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see you soon for another video!